Bouquet inspired by Jennifer Soto of Becky’s Flowers. Jennifer was diagnosed in 2021. She found a lump and got it checked immediately, and it saved her life. If she had waited even a month to get it checked, her story would have been very different. At the age of 39, she was diagnosed with Stage 3, very aggressive breast cancer. She had five months of chemo, a double mastectomy, a total hysterectomy, six weeks of daily radiation, eight months of Physical Therapy, and reconstruction surgery, and is now on a 2- year targeted therapy. Jennifer worked at the flower shop throughout her treatment. She went on to buy the flower shop just last year in 2023!! Jennifer is a wife, a mother, a cancer survivor, and now a business owner!! As a survivor, she genuinely appreciates life and finds joy in any situation. Jennifer fought for her life and is meant to be here!